Board Certified Naturopathic doctor, BCND
Registered Nurse, RN
Licensed Esthetician
BCLS/CPR Certified
Additional Certification attained:
- iTHRIVE Certified Functional Nutritionist
- Dr. Chi’s Fingernail and Tongue Analysis workshop
- Oriental Diagnosis: Reading the Face and Body(by Ohashi)
- Cinical Breakthroughs in the toxicity-chronic disease connection by Dr. Jeffrey Bland
- Aromatherapy techniques with Manual Lymphatic Drainage course by Dr. Ravi Ratan
- Reflexology
- Stress Therapy
- Effects of hormones and menopause on skin
- Laser Photolight treatments for pigmented and vascular lesions.
- Skin care advance technique
- Clinical skin Analysis of different ethnicities
Magazine write ups, articles & more special events in life:
- Articles and Write ups from Bazaar Magazine & Self Magazine.
- I was given an award at a special award ceremony celebrating my accomplishment by the American Naturopathic Medical Association Higher Achievement Award at Las Vegas, Nevada in August 2021.
- I was selected to speak the names of victims of Sept 11 th , 2001 tragedy in the 9/11 Memorial in ground zero, 2010.
- Pictures with the current and former presidents and the Mayor of NY in the National September 11 Memorial.
- I was offered by the Visual department to Model in the window of Bergdorf Goodman for women on 5 th ave, Manahattan. Mosaic with 200 pictures of mine.