To begin with, I have a compelling story behind this journey to reach my ultimate goal. My journey was not an easy one, to come this far I had to go through many challeges, turmoils and pains in life. Here I will share with you my noble intention and mission behind my strong desire to pursue this career. As a child I was always interested in medical field and wished to study to become a doctor. In order to reach here, I have gone through many lines of careers. During my early years of college I developed interested in skin care industry and became a NYS licensed Esthetitian (Paramedical skin care specilatist). I started working in Soho, Manhattan with a top
dermatologist who used to see celebrities, doing skin care treatments like photolyte facials, microderm abrasion and laser treatments. I was doing really well in the skin care industry and reached the highest level possible, I had write ups in the Bazaar and SELF magazines, I was offered by the editors of these magazines to write about how to take care of the skin naturally at home. Along the way I also have realized that I have so much more to offer to my clients by helping and making a difference in their lives through better treatment approaches tailored to them. As I climbed the ladder in the skin care industry, there was a big turning point in my life; following Sept 11, 2001 World Trade Centre tragedy, there was a seismic shift in my world due to the loss of my brother who was a victim of this tragedy.

He worked for Canter Fitzgerald (company who lost majority of their employees), North Tower, World Trade Center (WTC), an extraordinary human being with a heart of gold who touched the lives of so many, had a heart of gold and lived his whole life by helping people without any interest, and how much love and caring he had for his family, friends and co-workers. The loss of my brother, gave me a new perspective in my life; to help people and in return I will be healed with the feeling of fulfillment and a sense of duty to my brother and to follow his legacy. And since then this became a mission in my life to pursue this at any cost.
Following the determination to attain this goal, the challenge was where do I start. I asked myself this question, in order to pursue my mission to help and heal people I thought that I can achieve it better being a doctor and in order to become one how can I do it sooner to reach my goal to make a difference. Since then I quit my job and left a successful career in the skin care industry and I started my new jouney into the medical field. At that time, I thought to myself the best way and sooner to achieve my goal such that I am able to help my patients’was to aspire to be a Nurse Practitioner. This path was not so easy also, rather it was fraught many challenges. After graduating from Adelphi University as a registered nurse (RN), my first job was
at North Shore LIJ Hospital, in the Oncology Department with the Cancer patients. There I excelled in winning the hearts of many of my patients through compassion and great service, I recieved many thank you notes from my patients and their family members for the excellent care I provided to them. However, there was still a gap in my desire to turn my brother’s tragedy to a vision of servitude and care for the well being of my patients. However my patients that I cared for would sometime relapse and come back and ended up dying in my arms and I was not able to do anthing for them. This is where another turning point happened in my life, where the point was the difference that I wanted to make in my patient’s life and the mission to pursue for my brother, I was not able to achieve it like this.
I have realized that there is so much more to do with the healing that can occur in our body than only through symptomatic relief. The body has an innate power to heal itself under the right conditions – health is linked to balance in this living energy system. When there are energy blocks, it can interfere with bodily processes, reduce organ function and compromise health. Wellness involves finding and addressing the root cause of the condition, not just alleviating the symptoms, and encompasses mind-body-spirit.
So I again followed my vision, revised my path and re-routed my journey towards naturopathic medicine which I have a great passion for all these years. This is where my final hurdle layed, that through this natural medicine I have so many ways to heal my clients and help save so many lives. There I started my long journey to become a Naturapathic Doctor, this was my ultimate dream to reach and have a great burning desire to achieve it for a long time. This journey was not so easy as well, I had to go through again life’s many challenges to overcome this to reach toward my life long dream. But was there anything that could stop me? no nothing could ever stop me to reach my dream and mission in my life to make a difference in people lives, and which I have promised to my brother to carry on his legacy of the goodness he
achieved in people’s life in his short but tragic time on earth.
I was always so interested and have a great passion in Naturapathic medicine since the last 20 years, from 2010 I have been involved in and providing compassionate care. In the year of 2010 also, I was chosen to speak and recite the names of victims of 9/11 attack in the Commemoration of Sept 11, 2001 Memorial in downtown, Manhattan. Their on the podium it gave me peace in my heart as I read the names of all the victims which I believe provided comfort to all those family members who lost their loved ones and at the same time I felt a deep sense of inner peace that I was able to say something to my brother that he will always remain in our hearts, will never be forgotton and I will conitnue to follow his legacy. After this event I was filled with a greater sense of purpose and the burning desire to pursue this project.
My passion in naturapahtic medicine has started to grow when I worked at a Spa & wellness center as a manager in 1999 and from there my interest grew to enter in the field of skin care industry. Since then, I have attained many certifications from great Naturapathic doctors, teachers and schools, for example Reflexology certification, Dr. Chi’s Fingernail and Tongue Analysis certification, Oriental Diagnosis: Reading the Face and Body (by Ohashi), Clinical Breakthroughs in the toxicity-chronic disease connection by Dr. Jeffrey Bland, Aromatherapy techniques with Manual Lymphatic Drainage course by Dr. Ravi Ratan, Stress Therapy and more. Since 2010 till now, I continued my great work in naturopathic medicine, here I have touched many lives and have made a huge difference in many of my clients lives that people still thank me for and now I can proudly do it more being a Board Certified Naturopathic Doctor
through the American Naturopathic Medical Certification Board. As well I have continued my journey in traditional medicine I remain engaged in patient care while working in NYC Health + Hospitals system in Psychiatry, Mental Health Department, Adult and Child as an Assistant Director. There I help my patients in a different role which is also very rewarding for me. I feel very fulfilled in my heart now that I am able to follow my dream of practicing Naturopathic medicine for which I have a great passion, able to help people and able to pursue my mission in memory of my brother.
“Today as I touch many lives, as they get better, this will give me more fulfillment in my life”.
This is to tribute to my brother: Abul K Chowdhury- A Noble soul and my inspiration!
Abul K Chowdhury Senior system Analyst
Cantor Fitzgerald, North Tower, WTC.

I was given an award at a special award ceremony celebrating my accomplishment by
the American Naturopathic Medical Association Higher Achievement Award at Las
Vegas, Nevada in August 2021.

Pictures with all the other naturopathic Doctor’s received the award for higher achievement.

Picture with the president of American Naturopathic Medical Association.

ANMA convention catalog

My name is in the ANMA catalog.

My diligent effort and hard work resulted in a fruitful Award.